Industry: B2B Tech

Case Study


World’s leading drone technology company

Case Study


Full rebrand, including brand strategy, name, and visual identity design for a venture-backed transportation fintech company

RMS Data Bridge

Service to move existing integrations to other RMS platforms, to employ custom databases, and to facilitate workflows

RMS Global Compensation & Career Framework

Internal program and pay structure names for world-leading catastrophe risk modeling and solutions company RMS

TELUS International

Naming strategy and equity study to determine the suitability of the TELUS International name and descriptor


Ongoing corporate and product naming strategy for the world’s #1 job site

RMS Architecture

Ongoing naming architecture consultation and product naming for leading risk management solution company

Xilinx Telco Accelerator Card

New high-performance card for 5G from long-time Silicon Valley innovator Xilinx

Case Study


Naming and brand strategy for a line of sensing technologies for use in smartphones, tablets, and wearables


High-performance liner hanger systems for the most challenging well environments

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