Service Type: Product Naming

Plantronics (Poly) Elara

A mobile phone station that gives smartphones desk phone capabilities, including support for chat and online meetings

F-Secure Threatshield

F-Secure’s security solution prevents and detects attacks early, with built-in network sandboxing technology to protect email and web traffic

F-Secure Radar

F-Secure’s turnkey solution for assessing vulnerability and scanning and managing internal and external threats

Case Study


Developing a name and tagline for a new music streaming company, platform, and service that better connects artists and fans

Case Study

Attain by Aetna

Innovative health and wellness app for Aetna that leverages the power of Apple Watch

Amazon Fashion

Private label brand names for fashion jewelry for retail giant Amazon


All-in-one class management software for sports studios


Naming the completely immersive narrative video game series from FoxNext and three of its lead games

Keysight PathWave

Integrated software platform from Keysight that offers a streamlined path to innovation

Express POOL

A more affordable carpooling solution from Uber. Walk to a location, share a ride, save money.

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