Industry: Food & Beverage


Domain name for FastFlavors, a delivery service that specializes in cannabis and cannabis related products


Domain name for a line of food products from MrBeast, the most subscribed person on YouTube and the highest-paid YouTube creator in 2022

Case Study

Cheez-It Product Names

Naming two new Cheez-It snack product lines

Case Study

Cheez-It Puff’d

A cheesy, airy, puffed new Cheez-It snack product


Domain name for Protella, a brand that produces specialized chocolate-based products in its different forms

Sam ’76

A lager/ale hybrid beer from Boston Beer with a focus on American-sourced ingredients

Case Study

Cheez-It Snap’d

A light, crispy, and curvy new Cheez-It snack product

Beach St.

New line of hard sodas made with pure vodka, carbonated water, and fruit zest

Dunkin Croissant Stuffers

Dunkin’s new hot croissant filled with meat and cheese


Natural horse feed provider that uses locally and sustainably sourced ingredients and next generation science

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