Catchword’s Naming Manual – Part 6 of 10


Here’s another excerpt from our handy dandy naming manual – it’s like a car manual, only about naming! We’ll be posting 10 different sections on a weekly basis, so please come back every Friday for more. If you like what you see, please download a copy of your very own, or write to us and we’ll mail you a paper copy (it has a glossy cover!).

Doing so requires registering your name in every country in which you plan to drive it. You will again need to activate your Theft Prevention System and almost certainly hire either a name development firm or an Intellectual Property attorney to conduct the necessary trademark evaluations on your new name.

In addition, you will want to ensure that your foreign customers can pronounce and spell your
new name, and that your new name is appealing to them in their language. While a domestic translation service can be helpful, the most insightful feedback comes from customers actually living in the countries in which you plan to drive your new name. The easiest way to reach these people is through the use of a specialized name development firm with an established linguistics network around the world. If the firm has experience with linguistic and cultural research of this sort they will know to ask the following questions:

• Is this name easy to pronounce?
• Is this name easy to spell?
• What does this name make you think of?
• Do you get positive or negative associations with this name? What are they?
• Does this name remind you of any existing brands in your country?

If you’re driving your name in other countries make sure to conduct a linguistic and cultural analysis of the name. It’ll ensure that your name doesn’t have negative connotations or meanings in other languages, and help you sleep better at night.

Last week: Installing Names
Next week: Car Name Themes


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