We are thrilled to see the launch of ProteinSimple, formerly Cell Biosciences – one of our brightest, shiniest new names. It represents a trend in naming that we at Catchword love: communicating directly and clearly what the business is. When Tim Harkness and his team told us that all of their work is in protein research, we knew we had to build that into the name – cleanly, deftly, and, well, simply. The result is a name that stands out from the crowd and positions the company as as friendly, straight-talking partner. From the press release:
“We are all very excited about our new ProteinSimple identity,” commented Tim Harkness, President and CEO of ProteinSimple. “After a period of tremendous growth and change, we felt it was important to speak clearly to our customers about our vision and goals. ProteinSimple captures our entire value proposition and culture in a single word. The employees of ProteinSimple are fully committed to helping researchers gain a deeper understanding of proteins and to building a unique protein analysis pure-play.”
The beautiful, elegant graphic identity is by our pals at Michael Patrick Partners.