Industry: B2B Tech

Navlin by EVERSANA

Solution suite that guides manufacturers on drug pricing, access, and more from the leader in life sciences commercial services

Juniper Connected Security

Security platform that’s baked into network infrastructure and extended across every point of connection, from client to cloud

Case Study

Artica Stoke & Decoder

Tech platforms to help sellers and consumers maximize value

Case Study

Artica Decoder

AI-driven product-recommendation portal that synthesizes ratings from across the web so shoppers find exactly what they need

Case Study

TikTok Creator Next

TikTok’s set of tools and features that help content creators monetize as they develop their communities

Case Study


B2B SaaS platform for the financial services industry that seamlessly manages middle-and back-office functions to unlock the value of data


Domain name for Ontinue, a security solution provider for companies looking for a 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC)

Case Study

Artica Stoke

E-commerce business tool from Artica that forecasts sales, provides an ongoing valuation score, and identifies financing resources


Naming a spun-off healthcare business process management company

Case Study


Full rebrand, including brand strategy, name, and visual identity design for a business intelligence software company

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