Tis the season … for brand knockoffs!

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery.

Who could resist the fun of assembling a ship from Lepin’s “Star Wnrs” line, or the fashion power of a pair of “Abibas” athletic shoes?

They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Well, these companies from China and other trademark-uninhibited nations are oh so flattering, especially when it comes to the world’s most popular brands.

There are knock offs in every sector. Bored Panda’s collection of ridiculous ersatz brands lists 85, from fashion and food to toys and tech. Buzzfeed has put together a list of 23, and World Wide Interweb another 50.

The popular ranking site Ranker even has a page for the Crappiest Knock Off Products of All Time. Currently in the top two spots are “Arm & Hatchet” baking soda and “Donkey Donuts” (guess that would be just “Donkey” now).

If only the new names really delivered on their brand mashups! I’d love an haute-couture smoothie from “Dolce & Banana” or an adorably wrinkled permanent marker that comes when I call it from (you guessed it) “Sharpei.” Maybe a can of “Rid Bull” is just the thing to keep our elected officials alert and truthful.

But I’m not sure I’m ready for “S&M’s” chocolate candies or “Johnnie Worker Red Labial”(!) scotch, even if it is “Olded in Scotland.”

We all know, of course, that when it comes to gifts, it’s the thought that counts. So whether your brand new kicks are Nikes, Nkies, Kines, Hikes, Likes, or Mikes, hope you’re enjoying the season with the folks you love!


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