Fill the Glass

Video series naming

Award-winning compliance and soft skills training company Media Partners needed a name for its new video series on proactive customer service. The series uses vignettes of “share-worthy” service based on actual experiences that illustrate the lasting positive impact employees can have on customers by making a genuine connection. The company’s most successful series up that time was Give ’em the pickle, which features the folksy storytelling of the late Bob Farrell, ice cream parlor chain founder and motivational speaker. That series’s title became a humorous, engaging shorthand for the customer-focused company culture promoted by the series. Media Partners wanted the new series’s name to stand completely apart from the earlier title but catch on in the same way. They envisioned it on merch and marketing to promote the philosophy with both customer service managers and their trainees. 

The title Fill the Glass communicates proactive customer service literally (keep your customer’s water glass filled) while also serving as a metaphor for interactions that are rich and fulfilling for customer and employee alike. It subtly answers the glass half empty, half full question, suggesting complete optimism. Fill the Glass: Turning the Ordinary to Extraordinary became a bestseller for Media Partners and received a Telly Award.

Media Partners
Media Partners
Finance & Professional
Media & Entertainment
Product Naming

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