Premium ice cream

Product line naming for Dreyer’s

What do you call a super-creamy, super-premium ice cream with unique flavor combinations and a yum factor almost beyond description? That was the question put to us by Dreyer’s (known in the East as Edy’s) when we were tasked with naming their decadent new line of ice creams. Many names later, Dreyer’s had their answer. And ice cream lovers had their dream come true. We just wish the project had lasted long enough for some extended, um, field research.

Rolled out in 1999, the line quickly grabbed 14% market share from Ben & Jerry’s and Häagen-Dazs, helping to propel a quarterly profit jump of 71% for the company. In 2002, as a condition of Nestlé’s acquisition, Dreyer’s was required to sell the Dreamery brand.

Food & Beverage
Product Naming

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