consumer electronics naming

Naming a new international consumer electronics brand

Hong Kong-based Nexstgo needed to name a new product line of consumer electronics designed to fit the modern lifestyle. Because these products help you explore and express your vibrant life, AVITA was a natural (vita means “life” in Latin).

Nexstgo originally planned to apply the new name to its American product line only, but they liked AVITA so well, they decided to use it for the entire lifestyle electronics sub-company, which currently produces laptops and smart devices for an international market. The company pursued the metaphor we created with its tagline, “Live it up.” And they also continued with the Latinate construction for their product names (Clarus, Liber, Imago, Modus). AVITA launched in Asia in 2017 and in the Americas in June 2018, with a Walmart distribution deal.

B2C Tech
Company Naming
Product Naming

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