We couldn’t help ourselves: The KFC Double Down was just such a wacky sandwich and product name that we had to try our hand at renaming it. What would you have named the Double Down?
Here are a bunch of our other, catchy names. Can you do better?
- Chickadon’t (from Chickadee)
- Chicken Out
- Chicky
- Clear!
- Coq au Sin
- Death by Chicken
- Double Bypass
- Everything But . . . (i.e., everything but the kitchen sink)
- Fowl Sandwich
- Glutton for Punishment
- Gut Glut
- Heart Attack in a Snack
- Heart Attack Snack
- Killer Chicken
- Off The Scale
- Plump Yourself Up
- Run Afowl
- Sickenin’ Chickenin’
- Sicknin’ Chicknin’
- That’s Just Wrong
- The 911
- The Bi & Bye
- The Crapulent Chicken
- The Occlusion
- What is ya, Chicken??
- You. Will. Die.
Reader submitted suggestions:
- The Chicken Choker
- Buy the Farm
- Arterial Cluckage
- Just Add Gravy
- “Mmmmmm, bacon…”
- “Who want’s to live forever anyway?”