Not All Financial News is Bad: Schwab’s Real Life Retirement Service


These are indeed the times that try men’s souls, and yet business marches on. Last year we had the chance to work with Charles Schwab, one of our favorite repeat clients, on a very cool product naming project. Their concept was simple: a planning service that helps real people manage the transition from full-time work to semi-retirement. Customers benefit from a combination of Schwab’s expert service and tools to help them manage their income flow, both in and out.

Schwab has built a reputation as a straight-talking, no-nonsense company – providing real answers to real customers, not just marketing fluff. This new product name needed to maintain that brand integrity while keying on the uniqueness of this offering – not just a one-size-fits-all retirement plan, but advice and tools geared to an individual’s needs. In short, a real-life solution to real-life problems. What better name than Real Life Retirement Services?


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