Here’s another excerpt from our handy dandy naming manual – it’s like a car manual, only about naming! We’ll be posting 10 different sections on a weekly basis, so please come back every Friday for more. If you like what you see, please download a copy of your very own, or write to us and we’ll mail you a paper copy (it has a glossy cover!).
Your vehicle is very sophisticated, and comes equipped with numerous devices for changing a flat name and creating a new one. Generally speaking, you will need to use all the following devices in order to safely remove and replace your flat name:
1. Onboard naming navigator (to help you find relevance)
2. Rear & Side-view mirrors (to spot and avoid your competition)
3. Creative fuel-injection system (to inspire truly great name ideas)
4. Anti-lock naming system (to avoid pigeonholing your new name)
5. Name exhaust system (for distilling out/expelling undesirable new names)
6. Theft prevention system (to protect your new name)
Involve all key stakeholders from beginning to end. If some senior decision makers can’t participate, arrange to have periodic meetings with them to update them on your shortlists, names you plan to screen, and final candidates.
A brand name should be destined for your customers’ hearts and minds. To make sure you reach your destination, activate your Onboard Naming Navigator before embarking and set a course for relevance.
With ever-increasing competition, the naming roads have become incredibly congested in recent years. Fortunately, your marketing vehicle comes equipped with both Rear & Side-view mirrors for spotting and avoiding competitive brand names on the commercial roads. Feel free to glance in your mirrors as often as you like, but avoid changing lanes until you’ve activated your Onboard Naming Navigator and arrived at relevance.
Your Creative Fuel-Injection System supplies creative inspiration to the name development process. It is your creative workhorse, and the generator of all brainstorming exercises. CFIs are usually more powerful than carbureted systems, though it’s not necessary to monitor output since more creative is always better than less.
Last week: The Parts of Your Brand Name
Next week: Create Your New Name