ANS schedule


As I so modestly pointed out in the newsletter, I am presenting a paper at the meeting of the American Names Society in January (held in conjunction with the formidable Linguistic Society of America). The schedule of events is up and you can see it here. The first day’s events (Jan 6) include the following:

Queer Names of Stage, Screen, and Fiction
Chair: Ronald R. Butters (Duke U)
Ronald R. Butters (Duke U) – Fay Etrange of Kuntzville: Names in queer novels before Stonewall
Phillip Carter (NC SU) – The social meaning of drag queen names
Rebecca Childs (U GA) – Drag kings: Creating a name in a more socially conscious performance space
Arnold Zwicky (Stanford U) – How to name a porn star

(My paper is on Saturday morning. It’s titled “Cheddar is from Cheddar, except when it is not: Renaming geographical indicators”.)

A splendid time is guaranteed for all.


Do your favorite pet names date from 10, 100, or 1000 years ago?
Catchword principals Maria Cypher and Mark Skoultchi reflect on the trends, what's changed, what hasn't, and what's to come